Tuesday, August 4, 2020

McKinley Online Registration 2020-21


NOTE:  When you get to the page with the registration documents, you need to scroll down and click on each document and read it and then after reading them all, on the page with the links at the bottom is a place for you to type in your name and your students saying that you have read and agree with the forms.  You must type in the names and push the complete button.

Since our boundaries are closed, we will need EVERYONE to bring in proof of residency to the school. The proof of residency is the physical address of where the child lives. Examples include a tax notice statement, electric bill, utility bill come on mortgage statements, rental agreement. Things that we cannot accept: bank statements, a cell phone statement, credit card bills as these can be mailed to any address. Please mail a copy, or come in to show proof starting August 4th.

To access student registration page, go to:

Click on “Families”
Click on “Registration Information and Links”

or Click HERE to take you to the Registration page.

There you will find instructions and a link to start the registration process.

There are four options as you begin the registration process

New Student Registration
I already have an Aspire Account
This would be for the parent who already has/had students in the systems and/or has an Aspire account but has a:
1. Kindergarten student entering.
2. Exchange Student entering for the first time
3. Foster Student who recently came to live at the residence
4. Child who came to the home who have never been in the system
5. Etc.

I do not have an Aspire Account
This would be for the parent who has never had a student in our system and the parent has never had an account in our system.
1. Just moved to the area with school-aged children
2. Kindergarten student entering.
3. Exchange Student entering for the first time
4. Foster Student who recently came to live at the residence
5. Child who came to the home who have never been in the system
6. Etc.

Current Student Registration
I already have an Aspire Account
This would be the parent who has or had, at some point, a student in the schools and is doing the yearly registration. This person also has a parent Aspire account.
1. Billy Bob just finished 3rd grade and is moving to 4th grade and Parents have an Aspire account.
2. Billy Bob lived here in 6th grade and the parent had a parent account. Parents moved to Timbuktu and have now returned for Billy Bob’s 11th grade year and they wish to enroll him back into school.
I do not have an Aspire account
This would be the parent who has or had, at some point, a student in the schools but never created a parent account. They may have logged in through the student account to check information or have never logged in.
1. Billy Bob just finished 3rd grade and is moving to 4th grade, but the parent never created their own parent account.
2. Billy Bob lived here in 6th grade and the parent never had an account. Parents moved to Timbuktu and have now returned for Billy Bob’s 11th grade year and they wish to enroll him in school.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s school.

Thank You

Thursday, July 30, 2020

2020-21 Kindergarten Testing Sign Up

We will be doing our Kindergarten testing on August 31 and September 1st.  The link below is where you are able to sign up for your testing time.  Please sign up as soon as possible so we make sure everyone is able to get a time slot.  

When you come for testing please bring updated immunizations, birth certificate, and proof of residency if you have not brought that in yet.

Thank you and if you have any questions please call the school. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Return to Learn for Fall 2020

Welcome back to the start of an unknown school year. Here are a few things we do know so far, and as we know more please follow our school facebook page, McKinley Elementary Cougars, for updated information, and your email inbox. There are a lot of things that we need to adjust and change this year due to guidelines and increased safety measures. We appreciate your patience, and positive support as we navigate this new territory. Before school begins I will share a plan of the changes and processes we will now need to follow. Please take time to review these as a family, and know we will make the best of this situation. "When life gives you lemons, you can make lemonade" and that's what we plan to do. 

Here is a link to a google sheet where you can submit any questions you might have. Ask any questions you might have, I might not have all the answers, but I will try my best to address them, or find the answer for you. 

Some important information: 
Our district leadership team has developed a very cohesive Return to Learn plan. You can find the details of the plan@www.besd.net
* 1st 2 weeks of school for 1st through 5th grade will be minimum days meaning the kids are dismissed at 12:30, they will be served lunch or have a grab bag lunch to take with them. Kindergarten will start after Labor Day, the A.M. sessions will come on Tuesday and Thursday and the P.M. sessions will come on Wednesday and Friday for 2 hours in the morning. Students who qualify for all day kindergarten will come every day and be released with the minimum day. Just sending some of this information out now so you can plan ahead for child care needs. We plan on "normal" days and school hours starting Sept. 14th.
* If you would like to choose online learning for your child you have until August the 7th to declare this, please go to the district website and follow the on line registration link. You will register at your neighborhood home school and then choose online learning.
* Online learning is a trimester duration at a time, so if you choose to do online learning you will make that declaration each trimester, you will not be able to go to online learning mid trimester or vice versa.
* We are working with our individual school teams to come up with detailed processes to ensure safety for all including wearing masks, sanitation stations, and increased procedures.
* Registration for all students opens up on August the 4th. Since our boundaries are closed, we will need EVERYONE to bring in proof of residency to the school. The proof of residency is the physical address of where the child lives. Examples include a tax notice statement, electric bill, utility bill come on mortgage statements, rental agreement. Things that we cannot accept: bank statements, a cell phone statement, credit card bills as these can be mailed to any address. Please mail a copy, or come in to show proof starting August 4th.
*Please go to our school website to register your students online, beginning Tuesday, August 4th. www.mckinley.besd.net
* We are in need of masks to hand out to students who forget theirs one day, or need a new fresh one, any help regarding mask donations or fabric donations would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be dropped off starting August 4th when the office is open.

Thank you, and we can't wait to have social distancing appropriate "spirit finger" welcomes with your children!! Happy summer, and please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Mrs. Arehart

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Summer Lunch

Summer lunch will begin on Monday, June 8th.  It will be offered as curbside pick-up this summer.  Lunches are free for ages 0-18 and due to it being curbside this year, adult meals cannot be purchased.  Lunch will be served from 11 AM - 12 PM each day.  The only day it won't be served is July 24th.

Here is the weekly menu that will be the same each week but are subject to change.

Corn Dog


Deli or PB&J Sandwich

Chicken Sandwich


Please let us know if you have any questions.

Menus are subject to change.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint filine_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (566) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or

(3) email:program.intake@usda.gov.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Yearbook Orders

We have not received the yearbooks yet.  They should come within a couple of weeks.  Once they have arrived in June, we will notify parents on how to pick those up for students.

Please call the school with any questions.

Thank you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5th Grade Graduation Presentation

Please click on link below to view the 5th grade graduation presentation.  Included in the video are the 5th grade awards.

5th Grade Graduation Presentation

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

McKinley End of Year Info

This is the End of Year Info you need to turn in chrome books and library books and pick up items. The items to be picked up are whatever was left in your student's desk and classroom, and a yearbook if one was ordered for them.

If your student has a birthday in April, May, or June, the PTA will have a book for them since they were unable to celebrate their birthdays at school this year.

If your student has any medications in the office, please stop by & pick those up as well when you come in on the 27th.

There will be a celebration for 5th graders on the 26th and more details regarding this will be posted soon regarding this event.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Update from Mrs. Arehart

Hi Families,

Here is a little video message for you all on the end of year proposed procedures, for right now. If things change with guidance from our district office we will update that for you ASAP. 

Click HERE to watch video message.

Art Fair online- submit you’re work via email to Mrs. Arehart 
We will have an online show to come.... 
deadline for art work May 1st (this Friday) 

Thank you and if you need anything at all please let me know,

Mrs. Arehart

Thursday, April 16, 2020

McKinley Yearbook Deadline

The deadline to order a yearbook is April 22nd.  You can only order them online and they feature all grades Preschool - 5th grade.

$13.00 per copy
Use code:  11997320

Thank you for supporting our school!

*Please note due to the soft school closure for the rest of the school year, we will provide details to you later when the yearbooks have arrived on how and when you can pick those up.  THANKS!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Update on Soft School Closure March 27, 2020

Hi families, 

We appreciate your support and kindness during these tough times. We truly miss the kids!! Our hallways are too quiet! I'm so proud to be your principal, we have amazing families, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents and friends helping each other. You have stepped into a different world with homeschooling, and you are doing it wonderfully!! Give yourselves a lot of credit for  all that you are accomplishing!! Take it slow, and enjoy the memories you are making with the kids, that's the most important part of all of this. 🤗

PARADE: 🚖🚘🚗🚘🚖We are going to do a drive by parade tomorrow Friday March 27th, to celebrate our students and to kick off a much deserved Spring Break for Students, Staff and Families!! Please open the attachments to see the parade route. We will begin around noon, please stay in your cars in the large parking lots to limit exposure to each other. We will be honking, waving and celebrating with you!! Tomorrow is School Spirit day too, so wear your RED, and wave as we drive by. If we are not driving down your street, please feel free to park along the road or in the larger parking lots along the route and wave to us from your cars, we don't know the exact times we will be driving by, but we are starting around noon, listen to the horns honking and you'll know we are coming. 😀Staff members have made posters and a lot of school spirit will be shared!!! We even have Corby our Cougar riding along in a vehicle to say HI!! 

Here are some important changes for the next 4 weeks: 

Lunch and Breakfast: 
Beginning April 6- May 1, buses will no longer be delivering meals to bus stops.   
Starting April 6th- We will be serving lunch and breakfast (for the next day) at the same time from 11:00-12:00 each day. It will still be drive-up in the carpool line, grab and go style. Children 0-18 must be present to take the food bags. We can serve any child, from any school and any district!! :)  So, no longer will we have breakfast at 8:00, it will be included in the lunch grab and go. Those with special diets will need to contact Candace Parr one day in advance at, candace.parr@besd.net. These meals can be picked up at Young and Harris Intermediate schools between 11:00-12:00. 

NEW SERVING LOCATIONS- Meals will be available at the following locations curbside. Please remain in your car and have your student(s) with you to pick up the meal.  Having your child with you is a Federal Food Program requirement.
·  Discovery
·  Mountain View
·  Three Mile Creek
·  ACYI 
·  Box Elder Middle 
·  Box Elder High
·  Century
·  McKinley
·  Garland
·  Fielding
·  Bear River High  
·  Snowville   
·  Park Valley (Monday - Thursday)

No Food Services will be available during Spring Break!

Packets: We are limiting the packets being picked up as it's not the most sanitary means of implementing the quarantine, and the online learning will be  a richer learning experience for the students. We will do packets if after all means are exhausted, like, getting the internet set up, needing more devices for your household etc**If your family needs another Chrome book please contact the school. Then, a packet will be available for your child. You do not need packets if you don't have a printer at home, as most of the work can be done on scratch paper, through answer blocks on canvas, online quizzes, and video responses the students send back to the teacher. I'd hate to imagine a child doing packets for 20 days of school, this is not the most effective form of instruction. Online, their teachers are posting videos, having group hangouts with class members, and still being able to implement interventions to help students who need more support. Please contact me if you need further help to get online. Our teachers have done a wonderful job reaching out to families, helping guide through the mud of online learning too. I appreciate all the work they have done to support families while they are learning too. 

School office hours: 7:30-12:30 everyday
Teachers' hours 9:00-2:00 p.m. everyday (online contact only, email the teacher)

Help to access online learning or frequently asked questions: please visit www.besd.net for more information to help guide you.

SPRING BREAK March 30th- April 2nd : No food services during the break and the school will be closed. No one will be in the office. 

We miss you all so much, and know we can do this because McKinley Cougars are STRONGER TOGETHER!🤗

Hugs, and High Fives, 
Mrs. Arehart 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Utah School Spirit Week

Observer Account in Canvas for Parents


During the soft school closure we will be using Canvas for assignments.  Canvas has a convenient way  for you to see what your child sees. It’s called an “observer” account. You can set up one up yourself by following these steps.

1.  Have your student generate a “pairing code”
          Log into Canvas,
          click on Account,
          go to Settings,
          click on the link: Pair with Observer
          Write down the code it gives you then sign out or open another browser.

2. Search for besd canvas.  Make sure it says Box elder school district on the page.  Click on the link       that says "parent of a Canvas user."

3. Enter the details, including the pairing code

4. Customize the things you want to see by going to account and clicking on notifications.
Please help you r student keep up on their assignments. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

At Home Recess

Playworks is ready to step up to the challenge of continued learning at home. We want to help families play at home by leading fun and active games that kids can play along with indoors and without equipment. Please join McKinley Elementary and Playworks coaches on our Facebook Live every day for a recess break starting TODAY at 10 AM, 12 PM & 2 PM MDT! Virtual recess will be held Monday through Friday at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., and 2 p.m., MDT. We hope to see you there!

PS. As a valuable school partner, we also suggest sharing our online Game Library allowing your school community access to explore hundreds of games by group size, available space and equipment, appropriate ages, and developmental skills.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

McKinley Curbside Lunch Menu

Curbside Hot Lunch Menu

Wednesday, March 18th

Thursday, March 19th
Chicken Sandwich

Friday, March 20th
Crispy Calzone

Monday, March 23rd
Hot Dog

Tuesday, March 24th
Chicken Sandwich

Wednesday, March 25th

Thursday, March 26th
Hot Dog

Friday, March 27th
Chicken Sandwich

Menus are subject to change.

If you choose to go to one of the bus stops or other stop locations, the lunch box will be the option to pick up there.

Canvas Instructions

Please click HERE to watch/view instructions on how to use Canvas which is the online system we will be using for classwork due to the soft school closure in Box Elder School District.

When you try opening the file, it may ask you to download the file in which you need to download the file and it will put a box at the bottom of your screen and you can click on that to open and watch the file.

Please call the school with any questions.

Thank you.

McKinley School

More Info on School Closure

Hi Families, 

Boy do we miss you! Please send our love and warm wishes to the students. School is empty without them here!! Going forward with this new uncharted territory, here is some important information. There is an email, as well with lots of info. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMAIL FOR YOUR FAMILY ON ASPIRE. OR CALL THE SCHOOL TO ADD IT. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM YOUR TEACHER ON HOW WE ARE GOING TO DO ONLINE SCHOOL WILL BE THROUGH YOUR EMAIL AND CLASSROOM APPS. PLEASE KEEP CHECKING YOUR EMAILS CONSISTENTLY. We don't want to miss anyone. 

We have a few updates: 
If your family needs a chromebook to check out- Please send one adult, no children- please come to the school Wednesday morning starting at 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. or 12:00-1:30 p.m.  Please follow the signs and arrows to make this a smooth process and to keep our lines to groupings of 10 or less. 

**There is a contract you will need to sign to check out the chrome book. (Click HERE to read and review.)

1. Chromebook per family unless discretion is needed based on the number of students in the family. 

2. We are serving breakfast and lunches grab and go style starting Wednesday March 18th. MEALS are FREE to all Children 0-18. 

*Breakfast 8:15-8:45 in the carpool line in front of the school. Stay in your car. Students have to be present to receive their grab bag. Any student in the district is welcome to grab their food from any grade level school.  This includes preschool aged children. No adult meals will be provided. 

*Lunch 11:00-11:30 in the carpool line in front of the school.  Stay in your car. Students have to be present to receive their grab bag. Any student in the district is welcome to grab their food from any grade level school.  This includes preschool aged children. No adult meals will be provided. One meal choice a day. When we know what we can serve each day we will post it on our school Website. 

**The district will be sending out a notice on meals for all students in the district including other pick up locations. Please call the district by 3 p.m. the day before for special dietary meals and pick up locations. 734-4800 

3. Teachers will be sending out information via online learning, and packets, including office hours 9:30-10:30 for students and parents to contact the teacher for help on assignments. 

4. All online materials will be online via Canvas. You can access Canvas through our district web site www.besd.net  Click on the student tab, and canvas comes up first. You will need your students ID # and then their password is their birthdate. Teachers will be sending out student ID #'s via private email, classroom communication apps, etc. today. With further instructions. 

5. For those who do not have online access, or limited access- There will be Daily/ bi-daily packets that may be needed- WEDNESDAY- PICK UP AT THE EAST DOORS (due to chrome book check out) 8:30 a.m- 3:00 p.m. OTHER DAYS- Pick up at the front doors of the school 8:30-3:00 p.m. Look for your grade level, then teacher, and sign the clipboard to get your packet. To turn your packet back in, put it in the drop in crate. It will go to your teacher. New packet materials will be put out, and teachers will be in communication with you to let you know there are new materials. All of the packets correlate to what is online in canvas too. 

Thank you and we miss you, 
Mrs. Arehart