Free/Reduced Lunch Application

The application process for free/reduced meal benefits remains the same for the 2019-2020 school year.  The district will NOT be mailing applications to households this year, but will mail letters with instructions for applying online. The online process will save much time getting applications approved.

McKinley is a Title One School and the funding from this program benefits our school in many different ways.  To gain Title One Status each year, they use data from those who qualify for free or reduced lunch to determine which schools qualify for Title One.  We need your help which in return can help you.  We need parents to go online and login to your Aspire account (using the login credentials you used to register in the summer) at and then click on your students name and scroll down to find where it says Free/Reduced Meal Application and click on that and fill out the application.  You can also fill out the application on paper by clicking on the link below. You can also pick up a paper copy of the application from the office.

Please click HERE to open the application info and form to print.

If you qualify for free or reduced, it will save you a tremendous amount of money which helps you and by filling out the application it can help our school with their Title One Status.
If you have any questions regarding free/reduced meal applications, please call (435) 734-4800 and ask for Kathy, Valene, Elisabeth or Colleen at the district office.

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