Hi families,
We appreciate your support and kindness during these tough times. We truly miss the kids!! Our hallways are too quiet! I'm so proud to be your principal, we have amazing families, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents and friends helping each other. You have stepped into a different world with homeschooling, and you are doing it wonderfully!! Give yourselves a lot of credit for all that you are accomplishing!! Take it slow, and enjoy the memories you are making with the kids, that's the most important part of all of this. 

We are going to do a drive by parade tomorrow Friday March 27th, to celebrate our students and to kick off a much deserved Spring Break for Students, Staff and Families!! Please open the attachments to see the parade route. We will begin around noon, please stay in your cars in the large parking lots to limit exposure to each other. We will be honking, waving and celebrating with you!! Tomorrow is School Spirit day too, so wear your RED, and wave as we drive by. If we are not driving down your street, please feel free to park along the road or in the larger parking lots along the route and wave to us from your cars, we don't know the exact times we will be driving by, but we are starting around noon, listen to the horns honking and you'll know we are coming.
Staff members have made posters and a lot of school spirit will be shared!!! We even have Corby our Cougar riding along in a vehicle to say HI!!
Here are some important changes for the next 4 weeks:
Lunch and Breakfast:
Beginning April 6- May 1, buses will no longer be delivering meals to bus stops.
Starting April 6th- We will be serving lunch and breakfast (for the next day) at the same time from 11:00-12:00 each day. It will still be drive-up in the carpool line, grab and go style. Children 0-18 must be present to take the food bags. We can serve any child, from any school and any district!! :) So, no longer will we have breakfast at 8:00, it will be included in the lunch grab and go. Those with special diets will need to contact Candace Parr one day in advance at, candace.parr@besd.net. These meals can be picked up at Young and Harris Intermediate schools between 11:00-12:00.
NEW SERVING LOCATIONS- Meals will be available at the following locations curbside. Please remain in your car and have your student(s) with you to pick up the meal. Having your child with you is a Federal Food Program requirement.
· Discovery
· Mountain View
· Three Mile Creek
· Box Elder Middle
· Box Elder High
· Century
· McKinley
· Garland
· Fielding
· Bear River High
· Snowville
· Park Valley (Monday - Thursday)
No Food Services will be available during Spring Break!
Packets: We are limiting the packets being picked up as it's not the most sanitary means of implementing the quarantine, and the online learning will be a richer learning experience for the students. We will do packets if after all means are exhausted, like, getting the internet set up, needing more devices for your household etc. **If your family needs another Chrome book please contact the school. Then, a packet will be available for your child. You do not need packets if you don't have a printer at home, as most of the work can be done on scratch paper, through answer blocks on canvas, online quizzes, and video responses the students send back to the teacher. I'd hate to imagine a child doing packets for 20 days of school, this is not the most effective form of instruction. Online, their teachers are posting videos, having group hangouts with class members, and still being able to implement interventions to help students who need more support. Please contact me if you need further help to get online. Our teachers have done a wonderful job reaching out to families, helping guide through the mud of online learning too. I appreciate all the work they have done to support families while they are learning too.
School office hours: 7:30-12:30 everyday
Teachers' hours 9:00-2:00 p.m. everyday (online contact only, email the teacher)
Help to access online learning or frequently asked questions: please visit www.besd.net for more information to help guide you.
SPRING BREAK March 30th- April 2nd : No food services during the break and the school will be closed. No one will be in the office.
We miss you all so much, and know we can do this because McKinley Cougars are STRONGER TOGETHER!
Hugs, and High Fives,
Mrs. Arehart